“Michael coached me through dealing with my energy company which had been over-charging me for over a year. I had emails and letters from their billing department every week. Thanks to the strategies that Michael created for me, I no longer stressed about how to deal with them which went on for months. Eventually I received an email telling me they had made an error to the tune of 4 figures!!!
Last week I received all of the over-charging back! Without Michael I would have had to pay their final bill. I cannot express my gratitude for all the wonderful coaching I received. You are truly great at what you do.”
There’s always a reason why things happen
No idea why you are GETTING BULLIED?
Take the mystery out of what is happening to you with our free guide into the psychology of bullying and take your first steps into becoming bully-proof
No clue why you’re getting bullied?
The truth in emotion
They say words can hide a multitude of truths, but Emotions...and the actions that they motivate, speak the truth of our objectives.
What lies beneath the surface of each soul with whom we interact is a 3-D web of dreams, facades, masks, intentions and motivations. And it is laid bare when we are tuned in to reading them with confidence.
The endurance of every relationship healthy or unhealthy lies in its foundation and ongoing structural development. Denuding the psyche of our own soul and by inference getting closer to touching that of others empowers the direction and survival of that relationship.
About our signature bully-proofing programme
dealing with the consequences of bullying?
Assertiveness, Evicting your Inner People-pleaser, and dealing with bullies
If you’re truly sick and tired of being sick and tired, and would like the bullying to stop, this might be the coaching for you.
Uncovering a unique and powerful way forward
Assertiveness, evicting your inner people-pleaser & dealing with bullies…
For those who face bullying of different kinds, and would like to learn ways to manage those experiences by developing their ability to recognize what is happening to them in the moment, developing healthy boundaries and learning techniques from various disciplines including Acting* that will help them have a more authentic world experience.
*It should be known that while most people's understanding of Acting is pretending to be someone else, on this platform what we mean by Acting is actually a very different definition entirely. In fact it is the polar opposite of the common perception…
We define acting to be accessing the Emotional truth within yourself, and allowing that Emotional understanding to inform your understanding of others.