Are you wondering how to tell me about your particular situation?
Don’t know if i’m right for you?
Don’t know where to begin?
Do you Have a question?
Please take a moment to read the guidelines below, to help you with the best way to move forward.

The first thing you should do is:
That’s right! You guessed it. It’s time to make your favourite drink.
Really treat yourself.
You’re doing something positive for yourself.
You probably have a lot that you want to get off your chest and feel overwhelmed as to where to begin. I get it. It’s a trying time. I’ve been there! I’m happy that you’ve found me and that together we can help bring you to a place where you can find peace again and get your personal power back. Equally I wouldn’t want for our first interaction to be one where I’m bombarded with all the events, facts, dates, and injustices.
There’ll be plenty of time for that later!
So with that said…
Relax. Take a couple of deep breaths and get comfortable.
As a First Step:-
Just send me one or two paragraphs via email, (not via any messenger app, such as Facebook messenger, Linked-in messaging, etc.) ONLY BY EMAIL PLEASE, to the email at the top of this page, explaining very broadly, what you need help with or what has happened.
My wife is getting a lot of verbal abuse at work from co-workers, and she loves her job. So, she doesn’t know what to do. This has been going on since she joined the company 5 months ago, and the problem hasn’t gone away. She comes home in tears and I don’t know what to tell her. Can you help?
My boss recently quit, and her replacement has always hated me. Since she arrived as Acting Deputy Manager, she has been talking behind my back, excluding me out of meetings, telling me to do certain tasks before my regular duties, and then asking me why my regular chores haven’t been done yet.
I’ve reported this behaviour to HR. But they’ve done nothing about it. It’s only made matters worse, because HR have passed on to her that I have raised a complaint against her. I’m thinking of quitting, but I have 2 kids to feed and a mortgage. I’m out of ideas.
Example of what not to do at the beginning:
A Data dump of everything that has happened via Email. This is sure to not be read!
Say it in your own voice. Get comfortable. And don’t worry how you sound. Nobody is judging you.
Step Two:-
I want you to think about…
How long this has been going on, and how much it’s affected you. What will happen if this goes on for another 6 months or a year? Where will you be? What would have become of you in your mental/emotional/physical state?
Working with a specialist anti-bullying Coach is going to change the way you look at things and the way you deal with your bully.
Are you ready to take on change?
Now if the answer is Yes, go ahead and press Send > on the email.
Based on your information, I will then respond, either asking for more information, or clarity, or ask you if you’d like to discuss your situation in greater detail on a free discovery call.