Join my Free 60-minute Intimate Discussion Event
it’s time to say “no“ to being bullied
They might be mean…
They might be harmful…
They might be cruel…
Think of the bully in your experience…
Logic says “If I’m nice to the bully, perhaps they’ll stop”. For most people it’s hard to be mean to someone who is nice to you... BUT this doesn’t work. To find out why, join this free Intimate Discussion Event now.
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Begin your Bully-Proofing Adventure on Tuesday February 20th. 2024 at 1pm EST | 6pm UK Time.
Let's get your power back!
how you got into this situation!
I don’t know about you, but many of the people I talk to who are either currently getting bullied, or have in the past, don’t know how they got there.
How do you go from living your normal life, being happy, doing things as if you have some control, to suddenly finding this person in your life experience, who is telling you how things are going to be from now on? And they’ve battened down all the hatches, and it’s like you fell into a deep ditch and now you can’t get out!
Well the truth is, it does happen. And sometimes it is sudden! Like the arrival of a new person in the office. Other times it’s the changing of a rule or policy, then another rule or policy, and you feel like you’re being squeezed! And you begin to feel more and more of your power being taken away from you.
Would it surprise you if I tell you that many people don’t know that it’s okay for them not to be okay with the way they’re being treated? And many people don’t know that it’s okay for them to stand up for themselves, let alone know how to!
How did this woman…
Find herself here?
What steps are needed to get her back?
Here’s what we’ll unpack:
How bullies exercise their power to make you do what they want
What bullies do to increase their hold over you.
Why they selected you?
Join my FREE 60-minute Intimate Discussion Event, held virtually on Zoom, to find out the answers to these extremely powerful questions!!
Intimate Discussion Events typically last about an hour. They are an opportunity for you to come and discuss in a shared confidential setting, within a small group structure with likeminded peers, your thoughts, experiences, etc. within a topic. They’re completely FREE. If you can't make it on the day, but you’d like to enjoy the take-aways, it's still worth signing up, because you'll be eligible for the replay. But I’d really like to get to know your challenges better. So, as an incentive to showing up, I’m offering those who attend live, free 1-on-1 bonuses to help move you forward with your particular bully problem.
So, why me?
Who is this guy Michael Franklin who thinks he’s got all the answers?
Well the truth is, I’m no different than you. I was bullied at a very young age repeatedly for many years. I was bullied physically, I was bullied emotionally and Psychologically. I felt I was worthless and couldn’t be loved. It affected my relationships as a grown up for years. I’m now happily in a loving relationship.
So what was it about my circumstances that made the learning curve so much steeper for me?
I was in a boarding school. Yes, my parents were overseas and I had no recourse. I had no home at the end of the school day to go to. There were no parents around who could see the black eyes, the bruises, and the emotional scars. I have the best parents I could ask for, and they’ve been nothing but supportive throughout my life. But at that time, in that situation. I was on my own.
And I had to come up with answers. And quickly.
So I failed, and failed, and as I got to know my bullies, I stopped failing as much. Then I met other bullies and tried things that had worked for me previously. And sometimes those strategies would fail, and sometimes they wouldn’t.
Then I went into a profession that developed my Emotional Intelligence, and was fraught with bullying and narcissists. If you’ve had to look me up online, you’d have noticed that I was a Professional Actor for many years. The Emotional Intelligence development helped me with decoding my bullies. The personalities attracted into that industry gave me plenty of opportunity to put into practice my learnings. But between Acting gigs I worked many corporate jobs.
And if you think the bullying happened (or tried to happen) in those jobs, you’d be right!
So I bring you the result of a lot of Personal experience, and Professional training in Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Development, reading Behaviour, Body Language, and Subtext. With years of experience in conveying emotions, which is something I have been teaching as an Acting Coach, first started in 1998, I’ve been a coach a very long time.
And what I bring to you is a unique set of skills delivered with empathy to your particular situation, in a manner never delivered by anyone else, with empirical, in-situ data for its success. To date I’m one of the only Bully-proofing coaches in the World and the only one using this methodology.
These all came about because of a decision I made years ago that I wasn’t going to be a punchbag anymore. But that’s my journey.
Your journey resumes with your decision to leave behind the shame, the guilt, the pride, and the sorrow, and get the effective guidance that I know will help you put the ‘hurt’ into your past where it should stay; And help you develop skills that prevent this from happening to you again!
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Yes! Having been targeted for bullying as a fully grown adult and dispensing rapidly with the bully, the bully not knowing what happened, while at the same time, witnessing colleagues succumb to the bully, I witnessed first-hand how soul destroying this was for them. I wanted to throw them a lifeline, but I knew it would require much energy, time and belief on their part. Unbounded by our age or gender, finding help can feel extremely embarrassing. However, you are not alone! And it’s important to know that the first steps in getting free from bullies is to acknowledge what is really happening. As a way to help those souls who like my colleagues felt powerless over their life, I’m now in a position to invite others into an opportunity where they can feel supported, not alone, and equipped to make a difference!
This event is just 60 minutes long. I have things to share with you. But there’ll always be a chance for you to share (or not), as you prefer.
This event will be held on Zoom and if you cannot attend live, a recording will be made available. Sign up now - if you’re experiencing a bully dynamic, you’re going to take away some Golden Nuggets.
60-minutes isn’t very long and to complete your experience, I’d love to be able to offer you some 1-2-1 advice and insights that will help YOU in your unique situation. For those who might be interested, there’ll be an invitation to book a FREE 1-2-1 consultation with me - no strings attached - where the aim of this call is to help you gain clarity so you can move forward with your best next steps. I believe in delivering value and helping people like you, so that we can make the workplace a better environment for all.
In just 60-minutes demystify how bullies operate so successfully...
Learn the most common mistake people make when it comes to dealing with a bully
Instead of treating the bully kindly, you need an effective strategy.
If you’d like to learn about how to fend off a bully (and even develop a bully-proof personality), sign up now for this FREE event that will equip you with strategies and tactics that will make a difference.
meet your Coach
(the official bio)
With over 25+ years of coaching and teaching experience, my life’s work has been about supporting transformation in others.
I’ve made a lifelong study of bullying. From being labeled a bully as a young child to getting bullied in my formative years, I’ve developed a methodology that’s based on merging human Psychology, Acting, Emotional Intelligence, and my personal Superpowers of reading Body Language and Energy.
I also have real-world experience in what I call “turning off bullying,” from avoiding kidnappers at age 6 to intervening when others in my world were bullied. Helping others become bully proof is a personal calling for me - to help others learn to stand up to bullies and take their power back.
Here are a few more facts about me that enable me to help in an extraordinary way.
Acting Coach - At the core of Acting is learning and understanding human motivation (or why people do what they do). When you understand why a bully is doing what they’re doing, you’re more capable of diffusing them.
Emotional Intelligence - Bullies are people too. Emotional intelligence is the ability to read your own and other peoples’ emotions. You’ll be able to use this as a ninja skill to make a bully realize they don’t want to “go there” with you.
Personal Experience - I’ve spent many years dealing with bullies. I went from being a bully around the age of 8 to getting bullied between 10 and 16, to not letting anyone bully me again from 17 onwards. People have tried even in my 40s but they’ve been ineffective due to my use of these methodologies.
My Superpower - I am very adept at helping others read body language and energy. I will teach you some of the ways I use this ability, to read the bully, and stop them at the gate.
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