The inconvenient bully!

Bullies have a way of dictating when you must interact with them by showing up on their timeline, on their schedule, when it's convenient for them.

What to do? What to do?

Click on the image below to watch today's video.

Bear in mind that every situation is different and the reason for coming to a Specialist Anti-Bullying Coach is the benefit of their Experience with bullying and knowledge of dealing with each problem.


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Michael Franklin is a Specialist Anti-Bullying Coach, utilizing elements from the worlds of Acting, Psychology and Body Language to help sufferers of the effects of bullying develop the skills needed to rid themselves of their bully problem.

Michael Franklin

Michael Franklin is a Specialist Anti-Bullying Coach, utilizing elements from the worlds of Acting, Psychology and Body Language to help sufferers of the effects of bullying develop the skills needed to rid themselves of their bully problem.

Patterning your bully!


The Bully and Boundaries