The bully and your mental health

One thing that is common to people who are experiencing repeat bullying is that their mental health is in tatters. Usually with sleeplessness and other factors, their physical health has also taken a hit.

While it's important to be discerning about who you share your bully problem with, it is important that you don't suffer in silence and let someone close to you know that this is going on. If for no other reason than to keep yourself sane and say out loud what is going on with you.

Having someone who knows about your situation is vital both for your mental health and also in the event anything should happen with the bully that a third party (a friend) can watch out for you.

Click on the image below to watch today's video.

Bear in mind that every situation is different and the reason for coming to a Specialist Anti-Bullying Coach is the benefit of their Experience with bullying and knowledge of dealing with each problem.


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Michael Franklin is a Specialist Anti-Bullying Coach, utilizing elements from the worlds of Acting, Psychology and Body Language to help sufferers of the effects of bullying develop the skills needed to rid themselves of their bully problem.

Michael Franklin

Michael Franklin is a Specialist Anti-Bullying Coach, utilizing elements from the worlds of Acting, Psychology and Body Language to help sufferers of the effects of bullying develop the skills needed to rid themselves of their bully problem.

About trust!


Patterning your bully!