Intimate Discussion Event

Intimate Discussion Events typically last about an hour. They are an opportunity for you to come and discuss in a shared setting within a small group structure, your thoughts, experiences, etc. within a topic. They’re completely FREE.

Upcoming Topic: A common mistake people make when it comes to dealing with a bully

Instead of treating the bully kindly, you need an effective strategy.

If you’d like to learn about how to fend off a bully (and even develop a bully-proof personality), you’re invited to join me for a FREE workshop:

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How bullies exercise their power to make you do what they want

  • What bullies do to increase their hold over you.

  • Why they selected you?

To reserve your spot sign up (below on mobile - opposite on desktop)

See you soon!


How did this woman…

Happy, smiling woman

find herself here?

And what steps are needed to get her back?

Smiling, happy woman.

If you can't make it on the day, but you’d like to enjoy the take-aways, it's still worth signing up, because you'll be eligible for the replay. But I’d really like to get to know your challenges better. So, as an incentive to showing up, I’m offering those who attend live, bonuses.

Please bear in mind that role-based emails may not get subscribed. So “Sales” @, “info” @, “admin” @ etc.