Why ignoring a bully is the wrong approach!
I've heard people say, "Oh, ignore them!" or "Walk away". Well I've had conversations with people about this and there is a distinction.
I've heard people say, "Oh, ignore them!" or "Walk away". Well I've had conversations with people about this and there is a distinction.
Walking away and not giving someone the time of day, if you can do it, is not the same as ignoring them. Ignoring the bully does not make the bullying stop. They are sure to try again later. Walking away with the knowledge that you are doing so out of a desire not to waste your time on the bully, is a very different approach than walking away because you want to avoid confronting the bully.
The thing is that these are not simple problems. They are complex. I've seen people give bad advice regarding this sort of thing, because
a) they don't have experience of being bullied,
b) they think the person they are advising has the same capabilities they have,
c) they think the bully will behave the same way as their bully did,
d) they don't want to deal with the problem and so they come up with something simplistic and somewhat ignorant to belittle the problem.
A person who is being bullied does not have a little problem. It's a big problem that requires a well-thought-out strategy for its resolution.
If you'd like to learn more, please sign up to my YouTube channel where you can learn about the various issues that are faced by those who are bullied and how to deal with them if you’re in that situation.
Bear in mind that every situation is different and the reason for coming to a Specialist Anti-Bullying Coach is the benefit of their Experience with bullying and knowledge of dealing with each problem.
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Michael Franklin is a Specialist Anti-Bullying Coach, utilizing elements from the worlds of Acting, Psychology and Body Language to help sufferers of the effects of bullying develop the skills needed to rid themselves of their bully problem.