What is the Secret to keeping ourselves?
Do you find yourself saying Yes, when everyone else is saying Yes, even though you disagree? How we keep our mouthes shut about everything, becomes a habit.
This habit of conformity kills our individuality little by little every single day. And I say 'kills' because the more we do it, the more we lose touch with ourselves; With our emotions. We stop feeling. We become these unfeeling, beings. These machines. READ MORE…
That's a strange title, isn't it?
Okay, but what if I say, keeping ourselves is the opposite of losing ourselves. Does that change things?
Think of how many times you lose yourself every day in a social setting.
Do you find yourself saying Yes, when everyone else is saying Yes, even though you disagree?
Let's look at the opposite. Do you find yourself saying No, when you mean Yes, because everyone else is saying No?
Do you find yourself staying quiet when you want to say something, but wonder why everyone else is staying quiet?
I want you relax. Most people do that. You're not the only one. You're fitting in with the rest.
We do this for a variety of reasons.
We don't want to venture a response lest it be not well thought through
We don't want to venture a response because we don't want to come across stupid
We don't want to venture a response because we might go against the majority
We don't want to venture a response because we don't want the majority to know how we think
We don't want to venture a response because it might be against the corporate culture
We don't want to venture a response because it may go against our immediate entourage's beliefs
We don't want to venture a response because it may go against our bosses' beliefs.
How we keep our mouthes shut about everything, becomes a habit.
It's stifling.
I don't know about you, but it makes me want to SCREAMMMMMM!!!!
This habit of conformity kills our individuality little by little every single day.
And I say 'kills' because the more we do it, the more we lose touch with ourselves; With our emotions. We stop feeling. We become these unfeeling, beings.
These machines.
We turn into the computers we are forced to operate daily.
What happens to these emotions, these feelings that go buried, unexpressed, resolution-less?
Have you ever considered that?
Have I got your attention?
Our emotions are a big part of our human organism. We were never meant to be these logical beings who operate separately from our feelings.
Our essence...what makes us US,
comes from our experiences, our feelings about things.
And when these feelings are pushed down
so we don't feel them,
so they become separated from us,
they begin to sink!
Yes sink …
deeply into our subconscious selves.
They start to express themselves
in our cells,
in our joints,
in our bones,
in our tendons,
in our vital organs,
in our blood!
In short, they haven't left us, just because we don't give them air time. They haven't gone away because we are no longer aware of them.
Our Emotions are
E-Motions or Energy in Motion.
They have Energy,
and if they can't move, they vibrate unable to move.
They are trying to find an escape, like the sock that clings on to the wall of the dryer, hoping its owner didn't see it, so that it can make its get away.
I hope this made you smile.
It's important to have a moment of levity when we consider how we have the greatest number of people dying from some sort of cancer than ever in the history of our planet.
I believe we're going through an evolutionary time in our development as humans.
We are becoming wise to the fact that killing
our emotions,
our voices,
our uniqueness
our 'selves'
in the interest of conformity
is costing us our health.
And those who are clued in on this evolution are seeking ways to work for themselves.
Our Truth is carried in our Emotions.
Our Truth is Carried in Our Emotions
I started this article by asking
"What is the secret to
keeping ourselves?"
And the answer.
To stand up and be counted.
Unafraid that we might be different.
Loving ourselves for everything that we are so far,
for we're constantly evolving.
And accepting that if we have flaws, there isn't a person
on this planet who can say they are without flaw.
And those who say they are without flaw are the most flawed.
They're just too out of touch to know it!
Now I recognize that not everyone can wake up tomorrow after reading this article and say:
"From now on, I'm going to let people SEE me"
As children we are uninhibited.
It takes time to become inhibited.
And to learn to become uninhibited again as adults, requires
The Desire
The knowledge that stifling our emotions will cause us physical harm
The drive
The skills to relearn
The courage
But it's well worth it, to finding our way back to ourselves.
And that doesn’t mean we forget how to censor ourselves.
It means we remember how to give our feelings air!
And the benefits:
Our relationships improve.
With our parents,
with our children,
with our partners
We start learning to love ourselves and do things for ourselves.
We start learning to be in flow and allow things to come to us - that female energy.
We start gravitating to jobs and persons that are pleasurable to us.
We start attracting more wealth, more rest, more healthy habits.
We start to visit more places we've always wanted to see.
All because
we said YES to “I”.
To who we are.
And we started celebrating who we are RIGHT NOW!
Not in 5 months time. Not in 2 years time.
TruthinEmotion.com is so called because we are a haven for getting in touch with
our Truth
(what we truly want,
who we're truly meant to be,
why we're truly here),
through getting back in touch with our emotions and allowing our Truth to inform our way forward, back to ourselves, we open up the world of possibility.
We start to consider it again for the first time in...well maybe decades.
It's the beginning of our freedom.
I want everyone reading this to imagine collectively holding hands with all the others who are reading this article or who have read it and say:
"I'm ready to be ME".
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