The Bully and Boundaries
Your boundaries, like a country, are the lines you put down to say, you're not allowed to cross this line without my permission.
Your boundaries, like a country, are the lines you put down to say, you're not allowed to cross this line without my permission.
In human interactions, we usually consider talking to people at a safe distance of a few feet.
When someone's face gets within 6 inches of us, that is reserved for people we're intimate with and when someone else gets that close, it makes us uncomfortable.
Inviting someone out of that zone into the comfort zone is an example of healthy boundaries.
Bear in mind that every situation is different and the reason for coming to a Specialist Anti-Bullying Coach is the benefit of their Experience with bullying and knowledge of dealing with each problem.
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Michael Franklin is a Specialist Anti-Bullying Coach, utilizing elements from the worlds of Acting, Psychology and Body Language to help sufferers of the effects of bullying develop the skills needed to rid themselves of their bully problem.
About the 3-tips (to deal with a bully)
If you behave like you've done nothing wrong and are confident in that thinking, the bully's ability to give themselves permission to transgress your boundaries will be severely impaired.
Tell yourself You've done nothing to deserve being treated that way.
Okay, in most cases you've done nothing to deserve being bullied. What's happening is not your fault. It's the bully's way of seeing things. And you have every right to see things differently. You're your own person.
2. Act as if you've done nothing to deserve being treated a certain way.
If you behave like you've done nothing wrong and are confident in that thinking, the bully's ability to give themselves permission to transgress your boundaries will be severely impaired. On some level most bullies know they're doing the wrong thing.
3. Have no tolerance for being bullied and don't give the bully your time.
Love and respect who you are and define your boundaries. Any one who does not respect your boundaries is not worth your time and you should not play their game.
Bear in mind that every situation is different and the reason for coming to a Specialist Anti-Bullying Coach is the benefit of their Experience with bullying and knowledge of dealing with each problem.
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Michael Franklin is a Specialist Anti-Bullying Coach, utilizing elements from the worlds of Acting, Psychology and Body Language to help sufferers of the effects of bullying develop the skills needed to rid themselves of their bully problem.